The Pinseria food trailer aim is to provide authentic Italian food using:
- 2 x Pizza Dome Ovens
- Dedicated and purpose built pizza topping / making area
- IZZO Italian Coffee Machine
- Dessert / Coffee Printing Machine (Selfie / favourite Celebrate / Corporate - Company Logo)
- Fridge & Freezer
- Hot Water Urn / Hot Chocolate
- Deserts Display Case
- Electronic Menu online ordering through QR
- Square up ordering system for direct ordering
For all bookings, venues and events we always provide a minimum of 2 people, fully trained and qualified individuals as Pizza Makers and Baristas.

We are very environmentally conscious and as a result try to minimise the use of plastic completely to which most of our takeaway items are either paper, cardboard of metal, we do not for example, sell bottles and only cans of drinks.
In addition we run on LPG and battery, we do not have big diesel generators.

The team qualifications include a minimum of the following:
- Level 3 food hygiene
- Allergy Awareness
- First Aid
- Health and Safety
- LPG Gas Safety

With public liability insurance at no less than £10 million, we take our responsibility very serious and as a result ensure suitable insurance coverage is always in place, can be provided upon request.
Please get in touch if you are interested and want us to support any requirement.